Circular Water Tanks - Robert Booth
Bob Booth needs no introduction as the author of those magnificent 'Byways of Steam' articles in NSW RTM 'Roundhouse'. His latest essay explores the distinctive brick-based, circular iron water tanks of the NSWGR. The detailed text is accompanied by numerous photos and plans.
Locomotive Depot 14 Singleton - Ray Love
Ray's latest essay covers Singleton depot, with its bank working at McDougalls Hill and includes drawings of locomotive depot buildings, track diagrams and numerous
A Mornmg at Yass - lan Wallace
Travel with Ian on the down Albury Mail and savour the passing trains at Yass Junction,Yass Town and Goulburn in their preparation for Christmas 1961.
West Wyalong Wanderings - Graham Pegg
Join Graham as he visits Temora, West Wyalong, Cowra and Grenfell in the wheatseason of 1964.
A BranchIine Remembered - Ron Preston
Accompany Ron, one of Australia's best at communicating the rail scene to his reader, as he journeys to Grenfell over the Blue Mountains. Coverage of shunting at Grenfellis extensive and includes a description of the daily goods working behind a 30T.
An Engineman's Story - Bruce Griffey
Bruce continues his story as an engine man on the NSWR, which includes the terror of workingin floods and the humour of the railwayman.
W.A. - Steam's Indian Summer - Peter Attenborough
A brief sojourn to cover some of the last steam activities in the West in 1970.
Category: Byways of Steam
Publisher: Eveleigh Press
EAN/ISBN: 0-646-02857-X
Published: 01/10/1991
Pages: 120
Format: Softcover
Stock: Sold Out